Our History

Since our inception in 1984, Care Camps Foundation has raised over $26 million dollars to fund medically supervised pediatric oncology camps across the U.S. and Canada.

Here’s a snapshot of our evolution:

A group of Kampgrounds of America (KOA) campground owners began fundraising for kids with cancer to attend specialized pediatric oncology camps.
Originally named, “Happiness is Camping,” the name was changed to KOA Care Camps. “Happiness for Kids with Cancer” became the slogan.
Operating as part of the KOA Owners Association, Care Camps applies for 501c3 status.
Care Camps raises over 1 million dollars funding 94 pediatric oncology camps across the U.S. and Canada.

Care Camps begins its partnership with the Children’s Oncology Camping Association (COCA) instilling quality assurance systems for pediatric oncology camps funded.

Care Camps is re-incorporated and separated from the KOA Owners Association to be its own 501c3 entity.

Pediatric oncology camps across the U.S. and Canada are unable to offer in-person camp opportunities and in-hospital services due to COVID-19. Camps creatively double their efforts to deliver virtual camps, in-hospital, and at home camp experiences. These programs continue to grow today and receive funding from Care Camps.
Care Camps raises over 3.5 million dollars, funding over 132 specialized pediatric oncology camps across the U.S. and Canada.
Care Camps celebrates its 40th anniversary and officially changes their name to Care Camps Foundation.